I so love you.
When I remember you, all I feel is love.
Pure love.
It means, you are pure love.
Anything that is happening in your life
Is just a cloud
You only have to turn inside
And operate from that space.
Know that we are not our life situations
Most people know it only on the mental level
That does not help
We must know it on the level of consciousness
On the level of the heart
And I know that you do
Dear one
I know your heart
But then you suddenly shy away from here.
Just remember who you are
On a daily basis
Close your eyes
Gaze within
Practice this more often
Identify with nothing
Leave the roles you play
You are the reminder of what is sacred
Smile no matter what my dear
Let your smile wash away all of your concerns
Take care of yourself
Love yourself more
More than you love your lover
Love beyond the idea level of love
Dear one
I am a pure space for you
Practice being fully here
Only here exists
We are here
Our heart is in commune
And healing starts here
Let the fire of this moment
Consume whatever is not real
When you love deeply
And I am not talking about loving your lover
When you love deeply
When you surrender all your concerns
That will delete your karma
And you will be free